This script tests insertion speed with various databases and techniques. 1000 rows inserted into empty indexed table with fields integer, datetime, string(100), currency. Databases: Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, MS Access Techniques: Slow: literal statements each time Faster: prepared statements issued separately (but cached...) Fastest: execute(stmt, all_my_data_at_once) (loop in mxODBC) accessdemo/slow: 136.054421/second accessdemo/faster: 121.182744/second accessdemo/fastest: 152.928584/second asademo/slow: 292.056073/second asademo/faster: 455.996361/second asademo/fastest: 523.012536/second Jet raw SQL inserts: 108.660220/second Jet AddNew/Delete: 192.752507/second