quartus_map.exe OPT /quartus/synth/opt/opt_process_tri.cpp 4278 Stack Trace: End-trace All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Sun Jun 03 18:20:07 2007 Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition quartus_map.exe OPT /quartus/synth/opt/opt_process_tri.cpp 4278 Stack Trace: End-trace All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Sun Jun 03 18:21:39 2007 Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition quartus_map.exe OPT /quartus/synth/opt/opt_process_tri.cpp 4278 Stack Trace: End-trace All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Sun Jun 03 18:24:03 2007 Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition quartus_map.exe OPT /quartus/synth/opt/opt_process_tri.cpp 4278 Stack Trace: End-trace All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Mon Jun 04 13:36:45 2007 Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition All the non-bidir fanouts should have been moved to the source of its io buffer! Quartus II Version 6.1 Build 201 11/27/2006 SJ Web Edition