3C - Labreport Q: Determine the source and the destinantion address in the ethernet and IP headers for the ICMP echo resquest messenges that were captured at PC1. A: IP source: (00:e0:4c:78:c2:c2) IP dest: via (00:e0:4c:78:c2:dc) Q: Determine the source and the destinantion address in the ethernet and IP headers for the ICMP echo resquest messenges that were captured at PC4. A: Q: Use your previous answers to explain how the source and the destination ethernet and IP address are changed when datagram are forwarded by router. A: Para alcançar o PC4, o PC1 envia os pacotes para o ip do PC4 usando o MAC do PC2, assim o pacote chega no PC2 o qual repassa para o PC4 (porque o cabeçalho está com o IP do PC4).